Sun conures range throughout South America, but are mostly found north of the Amazon River in Brazil. Conures are only found in tropical habitats, preferring to live on open savannah or within dry savanna woodlands. Commonly found in scrublands (usually only the Amazon riverbank), forested valley, as well as in coastal and seasonally flooded forests. Conures can typically be found where trees or bushes are fruiting profusely.
Very little is known about sun conure breeding and reproduction in the wild, as these birds have not been widely studied because they only reside in largely undeveloped parts of the country that are difficult to access. Females in the wild have been known to nest in cavities free from any previously used nesting materials. The average clutch size is 3 to 4 eggs. Eggs are incubated for 23 to 27 days, which is nearly forty percent longer than that of other birds when compared to egg mass.