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Fancy Chickens
Silkie chickens are a breed of chickens that are named for their fluffy
plumage, which feels like silk or satin. It is unknown where this singular combination of attributes first appeared, but the most well documented point of origin is in ancient China.

The zoo is home to silkie chickens as well as a few other breeds of chickens – Frizzles and Sizzles. Frizzles, Sizzles and Frazzles all share one common thing between them, and that is the curly feathered gene.

A frizzle chicken is a chicken of any breed with the curled feather gene. A Frazzle is a chicken of any breed that has a double dose of curly feather genes, so if both parents are Frizzles, they would have a frazzle. While a Sizzle chicken is when a Silkie chicken and a frizzle chicken breed and have young.

Two frizzles should not intentionally be bred, as this would result in some of the chicks being frazzles. Frazzles do not have the necessary insulation and protection from the cold but above that they are also prone to several other health conditions- as a result, frazzles typically have a shorter lifespan and can not exhibit natural behaviours that other chickens would be able to.

Fun Facts

Chickens are living descendants of dinosaurs

scientific classification














Gallus gallus domesticus

did you know?

Chickens have better color vision than humans. They can see red, green and blue light and what sets them apart from us is that they can see ultraviolet light!

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