The Ayam Cemani is native to Java in Indonesia. In general, they are a friendly and likable bird; intelligent, gentle, and docile.
It is an unusual bird having all black feathers, black comb, black skin, black meat, black internal organs, and even black bones. The all-black colour is due to a fibro melanosis gene resulting in ultra-pigmentation to all the tissues.
This breed was first discovered during the 1920’s. An adult rooster can weigh up to 3.5 kgs (7.7 lbs) and the hen up to 2.5 kgs. (5.5 lbs). On average they live for 6 to 8 years. These birds lay cream-colored eggs with a slight pinkish tinge that are quite large in comparison to their size. Egg laying will start between the age of 5 and 6 months. Typically, a hen will reproduce 60 – 100 eggs per year and may often stop laying for several months at a time.